Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 9.55.12 PMThis time of the year, high schools across the country are raising money for their home football teams. Here in Hailey, Idaho at Wood River High School, the Wolverines are helping replace old helmets and pads with a good old all you can eat crab feast.

Flown in fresh from Alaska, tonight’s crab feast with just over 800 pounds was a big success. Along with the feast was a silent auction of local items and prizes, which all benefited the Wolverine football team. Coach Kevin Stilling, who is coming off the teams first wining season along with making it for the first time to the playoffs last season, was very proud of his team and the turn out by the local community. There are so many different ways to help out and I’m glad to see such a big turn out for such an important cause. These kids need to have the safest gear on the market.

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